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Niels Wiecker (U. of Hamburg) informed us that the German journal GEO has just published [in German only] a good selection of Spanish historical resources, including a chronology (507 to 1898), summaries, commented bibliography, and media files (mp3) on Juana de Castilla ("La Loca").


Clionauta by A. Pons

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Clionauta is the new blogsphere project of our colleague historian and "pioneer" in the use of the WWW among Spanish history professors Anaclet Pons. This new blog on history aims to create an space for discussion and debate on contemporary history trends, news, publications, scientific debates and other related issues.


Rotterdam Municipal Archives

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Dutch history lovers will certainly appreciate the quality of the on-line catalogue of the Gemeentearchief Rotterdam. The site (entirely in Dutch) provides free access to several catalogues. If you are a maritime history lover… do not miss the opportunity to browse the “Notariële Akten” for amazing surprises. Printed or digitalised copies of these documents can be ordered (1.5 €/each) directly from the website.


VOC Shipwrecks

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VOC Shipwrecks is a very interesting site that gathers information about more than 650 shipwrecks of the Dutch East India Company. Users can browse the database by date, name of ship, etc. Although the site has not been updated recently the information is very accurate.


PARES (Spanish Archives)

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The Spanish Ministry of Culture launched recently PARES. This service substitutes the old AER (Archivos Españoles en Red).

Last Updated on Tuesday, 01 December 2009 18:30

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