
Early Modern Hispano-Dutch History & more...

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# Article Title Author Hits
1 Hispana ILM 5677
2 Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie ILM 6415
3 Europeana ILM 7939
4 Center of Basque documental heritage ILM 2578
5 Tesoro de la lengua castellana o española (1611) ILM 3895
6 China in Spain: Digitized Corpus of Spanish Documents on China, 1555-1900 ILM 2616
7 Sancho el Sabio - Digital Library ILM 2732
8 Archivos de la Frontera (Border Archives) ILM 2477
9 PARES (Spanish Archives) ILM 3505
10 Biblioteca Virtual Hispana ILM 3177

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