Ius Lusitaniae:This web page is the outcome of a research project funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (MCTES) and by POCTI (POCTI/HAR/38328/2001), with the participation of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Through the web page Ius Lusitaniae it is possible to access to a vast array of sources for the Portuguese Legal History, with a special focus on the early-modern period. It includes 30.000 digitised pages and more than 17.000 items (cartas régias, leis, alvarás, decretos, etc.). Not only does Ius Lusitaniae provide a general outlook of this material, it also makes possible an accurate and quick search for more specific issues.The page is available in Portuguese and English.
The page is available in Portuguese and English.