Basque Manuscripts

(late XVIth century, probably 1598)

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Letter 3 Archivo General de Simancas (Spain) wihtin the section Estado, legajo 181

Iauna adisguideac gastigatu zidan unzien Iainean ondo informatunaiz baina ezta aireco gauzaric baizen emen bereartean zuribat gateco eztuenec compartizen dustenada etzin eregueren agestateac gastiga badeza dezenabat unzu lapourdic bidaldu behar louauerela bestc^ frustanziaric orandic esta legataren partes gizonba passatuda parte orretarat eta argatic eztiot deus franziaco herry gastigazen Inglesarenic ezin deusic adidirot ata zure serbizary humbleac adieu esatendizu.

The Letters

[letter 1] [letter 2} [letter 3] [letter 4] [letter 5] [letter 6]

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Updated: October 17, 2001